How to get a Facelift

Posted on November 10, 2018 under Facelift

A facelift is a classic tool for cosmetic practices because of the sensational results that may be achieved. At the fore-front of aesthetic and plastic surgery in Fayetteville, Arkansas we focus on creating a powerful result by reversing the effects of aging on the face and enhancing our customer’s self-image. Most patients choose Facelifts because they are usually done on an outpatient basis in an office, outpatient surgery center or a hospital. A prolonged recovery is not usually necessary with the new facelift techniques utilized by Dr. Taylor.  Click here for more information about the facelift procedure.

At our Fayetteville practice, a we choose facelift surgery to focus on removal of excess fat and skin, tightening the underlying muscles, and then re-draping the skin of the face and neck. Contact us today for more information!