Living With Breast Implants: What You Should Know

in Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers, Bentonville, Arkansas

Posted on December 7, 2018 under Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Plastic Surgery

If you’ve begun researching your options for breast implants, you most likely know that there’s a huge amount of information available on the different types, placements, and incisions. These are important decisions to discuss during your consultation, but there are some additional things to keep in mind about living with your implants in the long-term. Dr. Taylor will ensure you know what to expect, but here are some things to consider about life after your breast augmentation.


It’s highly important to know what to look for when it comes to ruptures with the different kinds of implants. If you experience a rupture or rapid deflation of one or both breasts, you’ll need to go in for an immediate implant exchange procedure, since ruptures (especially of silicone implants) can be dangerous to your health over time. In some cases, MRIs are used to check for weaknesses before a rupture happens for additional safety. There’s always a risk of rupture, so you should weigh this as you consider your procedure.


It can seem like there’s a lot of conflicting information about whether breast implants will affect your breastfeeding ability, but the most important factor about successfully breastfeeding is the procedure itself. Certain incisions and techniques can have a higher chance of disrupting glandular tissue and making breastfeeding difficult later on, so it’s important to discuss your plans for nursing during your consultation. Most experts agree that breast implants will not affect the health of your child when breastfeeding, however.


Many breast augmentation patients are well below the age of regular mammograms, so they don’t give much thought to it. However, it’s important to know how breast implants will affect your mammograms and breast cancer treatment options in the future. Certain steps will need to be taken by your technicians to ensure the entire breast can be viewed around the implant, so knowing your implant type and placement is important to mention when scheduling your mammograms.


As with any implant surgery, there’s a risk of complications with breast augmentation that can lead to an additional revisional surgery. Capsular contracture is the most common complication, which occurs when scar tissue builds up around the implant and creates a hard capsule. This can cause the implant to migrate out of place or rotate, so you should be sure to regularly examine for any signs of complication and see Dr. Taylor right away.

Breast augmentation comes with one of the highest rates of patient satisfaction and is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures from year to year. When you’re informed and know the options and risks, breast augmentation can be a great way to boost your confidence and your breast profile. To begin planning your breast augmentation, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form.